how to create a telegram bot which can convert img to pdf file
How you can create a Telegram bot using Python that converts images to PDF files:
1. Sign up for a Replit account and create a new repl.
2. Install the required libraries for your project. In this case, we will use `python-telegram-bot`, `img2pdf`, and `Pillow`. You can install them using pip by running the command `!pip install python-telegram-bot img2pdf Pillow` in the Replit shell.
3. Create a new Telegram bot by talking to the BotFather on Telegram. Follow the instructions provided by the BotFather to set a name and username for your bot and to obtain a unique bot token.
4. In your Replit project, create a new file and name it ``. This file will contain the code for your bot.
5. Write the code for your bot using the Telegram bot API library. Here's a sample Python code for a bot that converts images to PDF files:
6. Now copy the below 👇 code
import telegram
import os
from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters
from PIL import Image
import img2pdf
def start(update, context):, text="Hello, I'm a bot that converts images to PDF files! Send me an image and I'll convert it for you.")
def convert_to_pdf(update, context):
# Get the photo file from the update
photo_file =[-1].file_id)'photo.jpg')
# Convert the image to PDF
with open("photo.pdf", "wb") as f:
# Send the PDF file to the user, document=open("photo.pdf", "rb"))
# Delete the temporary files
updater = Updater(token='YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN', use_context=True)
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
start_handler = CommandHandler('start', start)
photo_handler = MessageHandler(, convert_to_pdf)
6. Replace `YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN` with the unique bot token obtained from the BotFather.
7. Run the `` file in the Replit shell by clicking on the "Run" button.
8. Once your bot is running, you can talk to it on Telegram by searching for its username and sending it an image. The bot will convert the image to a PDF file and send it back to you.
That's it!
You have successfully created a Telegram bot using Replit that converts images to PDF files.