
Showing posts with the label telegram

"Top 5 Most Useful Telegram Bots to Enhance Your Messaging Experience"

Telegram is a popular messaging app that has gained a lot of attention in recent years in all over the world, thanks to telegram for allowing bots to create .in part to the many useful bots that have been developed for it. These bots can help users automate tasks, provide information, and even entertain them.  In this blog i will take a look at the top 5 most useful Telegram bots  1 . @BotFather BotFather is the one bot to rule them all. Use it to create new bot accounts and manage your existing bots. 2. @Youtube_dwnldr_bot YouTube video downloader . You just need to copy the video link and share to this bot and this will Convert Link to any format 1080p, 720p , 480p , 240p , 144p, MP3. 3. @TempMailBot Disposable temporary email service — your real email will keep clean: good bye awful subscriptions, malwares, etc 4.  @AI_Background_Remover_Bot Send any pictures, It will remove background for you within seconds. 5 . @Spotif...

how to create a telegram bot which can convert img to pdf file

How you can create a Telegram bot using Python that converts images to PDF files: 1. Sign up for a Replit account and create a new repl. 2. Install the required libraries for your project. In this case, we will use `python-telegram-bot`, `img2pdf`, and `Pillow`. You can install them using pip by running the command `!pip install python-telegram-bot img2pdf Pillow` in the Replit shell. 3. Create a new Telegram bot by talking to the BotFather on Telegram. Follow the instructions provided by the BotFather to set a name and username for your bot and to obtain a unique bot token. 4. In your Replit project, create a new file and name it ``. This file will contain the code for your bot. 5. Write the code for your bot using the Telegram bot API library. Here's a sample Python code for a bot that converts images to PDF files: 6. Now copy the below 👇 code   ```python import telegram import os from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters from ...